Figs with hazelnut crumble and spiced sizzling yoghurt bu Mira Manek
Serves 2–3
Figs are wonderfully wholesome, crunchy and sweet. I remember the first time I had fresh figs, picking them from the tree and making fig crumble with an Italian chef in Tuscany. That was my favourite part of a dreamy cookery course years ago. Here, I’ve created something crumbly, fleshy and sweet, adding a spiced yoghurt and serving it with a drizzle of balsamic syrup for that edge of surprise.
6–8 fresh figs
For the spiced sizzling yoghurt
5 tablespoons thick Greek yoghurt
½ teaspoon rapeseed oil or other oil
¼ teaspoon Spice Kitchen mustard seeds
5–8 fresh Spice Kitchen curry leaves, optional
½ red chilli, very finely chopped
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
¼ teaspoon Spice Kitchen Himalayan salt or sea salt
For the hazelnut crumble
½ teaspoon coconut oil
15 hazelnuts, roughly chopped
3 tablespoons porridge oats (oatmeal)
1 tablespoon maple syrup
½ teaspoon Spice Kitchen ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon Spice Kitchen chilli flakes
pinch of Spice Kitchen Himalayan salt or sea salt
To top
finely sliced red chillies, optional
maple syrup
balsamic vinegar or syrup
You can prepare the spiced sizzling yoghurt and the hazelnut crumble in advance if you wish.
To make the spiced sizzling yoghurt, place the yoghurt in a bowl. Heat the rapeseed oil in a small saucepan over a low heat, then add the mustard seeds. Cook until the mustard seeds start to pop, then add the curry leaves, if using, red chilli and sesame seeds. Cook for around 15 seconds until the sesame seeds are lightly browned, then remove from the heat.
Immediately pour this hot spiced mix into the yoghurt, where it will sizzle, removing a few of the curry leaves to use for decoration later.
Add the salt to the yoghurt and mix well. Taste and add more salt if required. Leave in the fridge until needed.
To make the hazelnut crumble, melt the coconut oil in a small saucepan and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir over a medium–low heat for a few minutes, then remove from the heat. Leave to cool. It will become crunchy as it cools.
When ready to serve, open up the figs by cutting them into quarters, but do not cut all the way through the base of the fig. Place on a serving dish and put a teaspoon of the spiced sizzling yoghurt inside each fig, top with some hazelnut crumble, sliced red chillies, if using, a good drizzle of maple syrup and balsamic vinegar. Scatter the reserved curry leaves for decoration and serve.
Recipe extracted from Saffron Soul by Mira Manek published by Jacqui Small, an imprint of The Quarto Group